最近火爆全网的时尚圈新宠,无疑是让人一眼心动的多巴胺穿搭(Dopamine Dressing)。
多巴胺穿搭是一种将时尚与心理学相结合的穿搭方式。它强调穿搭可以带来乐趣,并通过服装的颜色、材质、质感等因素来刺激身体的多巴胺分泌,从而产生快感。Dopamine is a chemical messenger in the brain that reinforces behaviors that make you feel good. That's why it's often called the "feel-good" hormone. The thinking behind dopamine dressing is that wearing brightly colored clothes will often boost your mood.
这种穿搭风格的特点是:颜色鲜艳、设计夸张和搭配风格独特,也正在被越来越多的年轻人所喜爱。多巴胺穿搭博主社交平台上最先掀起这股新潮流的是一位86岁的爷爷。在视频中,康康爷爷穿上不同色系的亮色衣服,显得很有活力,和谐的色彩看起来让人心情大好。网友表示,自己今后也想活成爷爷这个样子,心里住着一条彩虹。A video of Grandpa Kang wearing a series of clothes with vivid color-ways — from a pink tunic jacket to a green T-shirt to blue overalls — has already garnered more than 340,000 likes on the social media lifestyle platform Xiaohongshu.
多巴胺穿搭(Dopamine Dressing)一词是由时尚心理学家道恩·凯伦博士提出的。她坚信多巴胺穿搭是通过服装打开快乐之门的关键。Fashion psychologist Dr. Dawnn Karen, who coined the term, swears by dopamine dressing as the key to unlocking happiness through clothing.她表示,“当一个人的穿着能体现真实的自己时,整个心情都会发生变化。”
在伦敦时装学院开设时尚心理学硕士课程的心理学家Carolyn Mair表示,虽然一些研究表明颜色会让人变得快乐,但这实际上取决于你如何看待这种颜色。
颜色承载着文化。比如,在英国,人们认为黑色表示哀悼;在中国,白色表示哀悼。AccordingtoCarolynMair,apsychologistwho has developed an MA course in fashion psychologyattheLondonCollegeofFashion while there’s some evidence to suggest certain coloursliftyourmood, whether or not a color will chirk you up is actually down to how you see it. Color is culturally loaded. In the UK, we wear black for mourning; in China, it’s white.
Mair认为,不是只有亮黄色的衣服才能让你快乐起来,黑色也可以。只有当你相信穿某种颜色的衣服能让你心情好起来的时候,你才会真的快乐。"If you believe that wearing a certain color – it doesn’t need to be bright yellow, it could be black – lifts your mood … It’s a simultaneous wearing and believing that has been found to have significant results.”皇家墨尔本理工大学健康与生物医学科学学院心理学讲师James Collett认为,穿鲜艳颜色会让我们更快乐这一说法过于简单。亮色衣服的效果并不是自动产生的。不是我们衣服穿得比平时更亮,心情就会马上好起来。The idea that vivid colors will make us all feel happier is a bit too simplistic according to James Collett, a lecturer in psychology at RMIT University's School of Health and Biomedical Sciences. "The effect of bright clothing isn't something so automatic that we can simply put on a brighter shade than normal and immediately feel better about our day though."
“像对待你生活中的其他事情一样思考一下你的穿衣选择。如果你穿某件衣服或单品感觉很好,那就一直穿着吧。”"Reflect on your fashion choices, just as you would any other aspect of your life. If you're feeling good in certain outfits or pieces, that's great, keep doing it." Dr Collett advises.这个夏天你有打卡多巴胺穿搭吗?有没有收获打翻调色盘的快乐呢。