北京外办 2022-06-02 21:44


为落实北京市新冠肺炎疫情防控工作部署,方便港澳台同胞和外籍人士办理交通一卡通升级,实现刷卡同步核验健康码信息,减少手动出示健康码的等待时间、提高出行效率,“Health Kit(健康宝)”小程序将于2022年6月3日上线“交通一卡通升级”功能。届时,港澳台同胞和外籍人士通过微信、支付宝搜索“Health Kit(健康宝)”小程序,点击“交通一卡通升级”栏目,按页面操作提示即可完成交通一卡通升级,实现刷卡乘车与健康码信息自动同步校验,享受更加安全、便捷、健康的出行服务。未升级的交通一卡通仍然可以正常使用,持卡人在刷卡前出示有效健康码信息,即可乘坐公共交通。


Notice to HK, Macao & Taiwan Compatriots and Foreign Nationals on Upgrading Beijing Yikatong

To help users of Beijing Municipal Administration & Communication Card (Yikatong), including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots and foreign nationals, observe Beijing's Covid protocols in a more convenient way, we will start the upgrade of Yikatong on Health Kit applet from June 3rd. The upgrade enables automatic verification of the passengers' Covid-related health status on Health Kit when they use Yikatong to take public transport and improves travel efficiency as passengers no longer need to present the information manually.

To make your travel by public transport safer and easier, you can upgrade your Yikatong in the following steps:

a) Search and open "Health Kit" applet on WeChat or AliPay;

b) Click "Yikatong upgrade";

c) Complete the upgrading procedure according to instructions.

Please also note that you can still use un-upgraded Yikatong to take public transport by showing the containment policy-required Health Kit information before boarding.

Note: Users who registered Jiankang Bao (健康宝) accounts with Residence Permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents can get Yikatong upgraded directly on the Yikatong APP (北京一卡通). For more information please visit the official website of Beijing Municipal Administration & Communication Card Co., Ltd. (www.bmac.com.cn).


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